Monday, September 30, 2019

Creating a Level Playing Field for Wisconsin Education Essay

It is a well known fact that the educational outcome of our children is either boosted or hindered by their families’ socioeconomic backgrounds, and while this fact is hardly fair to those underprivileged students, (and despite a few halfhearted but well-meaning policies against it), this inequality is likely to persist. (Wisconsin 2006). Although the rates for high school completion between whites and minorities seem to be slowly equaling out, a 1999 report from the U. S. Department of Education showed that nationwide while 27.5% of whites had received a Bachelor’s degree, only 12. 2% of blacks had attained that same level of education (Wisconsin 2006). In the State of Wisconsin, 15. 8% of whites have a Bachelor’s Degree, while only 6. 9% of blacks have the same, only about half of the nationwide percentage for blacks. (Demographic Profile 2004). In the Wisconsin school districts, the most important reason for the disparity in education between blacks and whites seems to be centered once again on socioeconomic ills. In 1954 the U. S.   Supreme Court unanimously agreed that segregating schoolchildren by race was unconstitutional, however fifty years later, while the ideas and decisions of 1954 seem fairly straightforward, the reality of the situation is a little less clear. In the Milwaukee area, the portion of the population that is black or Hispanic is rising, and the gap between black and white in Wisconsin as a whole is among the largest in the United States. (Borsuk 2004). Wisconsin has struggled with the task of overcoming that particular stigma and in education at least has made some inroads, but much work remains to be done. The difference in test scores on a recently released federal government report between white and black eighth graders was larger in Wisconsin than in any other state in the United States. (Borsuk 2004). Keep in mind that white students in Wisconsin are on par educationally with the rest of the United States, yet a higher percentage of black eighth graders from Wisconsin scored below basic—the lowest category. Previous studies also confirm that Wisconsin again takes the lead in the gap between incarceration rates between blacks and whites, and that â€Å"racial separation is the predominant pattern for neighborhoods. † (Borsuk 2004). If racial separation is considered â€Å"normal† or usual in the average neighborhood, then changing that in the schools systems represents a huge obstacle. When the desegregation plan went into effect the Milwaukee Public School system was 60% white, and now it is about 15% white, but there are few schools that have substantial enrollment of both black and white students. This means that the white children are leaving public schools to attend private schools, which helps very little in the overall desegregation efforts. Elizabeth Burmaster, Wisconsin’s state superintendent of schools says, â€Å"I believe that in Wisconsin the gap is very directly correlated to economic disadvantage. † (Borsuk 2004). Low income kids, as we all know, do not do as well in testing areas or graduation as do children from higher economic families. Because the lower income students are more likely to be black, the success rate of the black students, particularly in Wisconsin, are at very unhealthy rates, a problem that has been addressed by both Chapter 220 and the voucher system, with some small successes, but nothing to write home about. The white children are more likely to have parents with higher levels of education, leading to more economic advantage, while the black children are more likely to have parent’s with less education, leading to lower paying jobs. It becomes a vicious cycle as the black children don’t seem to be receiving the same education as the white children which will in turn cause them to work at low-paying jobs creating yet another generation of the disadvantaged.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Critical Reasoning

Critical Reasoning Assignment I (Exercise 2) 1. Sappho- The type or style of writing that Sappho used in â€Å"To Absent Lovers’† was poetry. This literary work was very familiar to me and was fairly easy to comprehend. The basic subject matter of this story was about two people that seemed to be in love with one another that eventually had to separate in the end. Ban Zhao- In the passage â€Å"Admonitions For Women,† it basically tells us about the way of the woman in ancient medieval China. This was a very informative outlook on the way the women were viewed and treated in China. It is a very recognizable literary work, but it is different from anything I have read. The way the modern woman is viewed today in the U. S. is very different than the way they were viewed in China. They were pretty much expected to do their part and do whatever the men needed done. If a woman was to mess up, they were expected to confess and admit it. If they did something good, they were expected not to mention it. Lady Murasaki- The type or style of â€Å"The Tale of Genji† was mainly romance. I have never seen a literary work that was quite like this. To me, it was hard to understand and comprehend. It did, however, give a good deal of information about the outlook on romance in Japanese cultures. Anna Comnena- The style of writing in the passage â€Å"The Alexiad† was basically just describing different people. It went in to great detail of describing every little thing about each person. Marie de France- I honestly did not understand this passage very well. For some reason it was harder to understand than the others. It obviously was a romantic story but I didn’t get it. 2. After reading the five passages, I found some similarities and some differences in the writers and their work. I found that three of the five passages were about romance. This tells me that these passages were obviously written in a romantic time in history. I think Ban Zhao tended to be more different from any of the other writers. In the passage she wrote, â€Å"Admonitions For Women,† she basically described the role of the woman in the ancient medieval China rather than romance. 3. In my opinion, I think there certainly is a uniquely feminine perspective. The reason for this is most of the time women have a different point of view or mind-set than men. Women tend to view things differently than men and that is just a natural trait. For example, something that means nothing to a man could mean the world to a woman. After reading â€Å"A Night’s Tale,† I think the tone is slightly different. I don’t think anyone could draw a conclusion to this simply because there are so many opinions and you couldn’t base your opinions on one passage. . The passage I enjoyed the most was â€Å"Admonitions For Women† by Ban Zhao. Something that really appealed to me in this passage was the way she elaborated on how the women of China used to be treated. It gave me a great sense of visualization and allowed me to really see what women had to go through. It also showed me how much different the role of the woman in China was rather than in the U. S. The reason I preferred reading this passage rather than the others was it was easier for me to read and it was very interesting in every aspect.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Helium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Helium - Essay Example Nobel Prize winners in Physics like R. Richardson with colleagues Osheroff and Lee, nevertheless, points out the essential features of ‘helium’ and the reasons which are worth startling the public to the extent of agreeing that expensive costs be imposed on helium for the sustenance of MRIs, fiber optics, rockets, and other machines that hold special vitality in supporting human lives and activities. Where does helium come from? (in geographical, political and economic terms, as much as the chemical origins). Basically, Sun is the primary source of helium, one of the most stable elements, which is yielded through hydrogen fusion reactions in the solar system whereas on Earth, the radioactive decay of massive elements which are chiefly thorium and uranium over billions of years is found to cause helium formation beneath the Earth’s surface. Along with natural gas, the helium produced exudes out of large rock cavities under low pressure into the atmosphere which has approximately five parts of helium per 100,000 parts of air (Lansing, 1995). In 1868, spectrometer was first used to examine the Sun’s chromospheres during a solar eclipse in India where the resulting spectrum confirmed quantities of hydrogen including yellow stripes which were alleged to characterize sodium element. Unconvinced by the initial hypothesis, French astronomer Janssen further investigated on the matter and was able to disclose the truth about the stripes as beyond the traits of sodium but were most likely part of an unknown element’s identity. On a separate intensive research conducted by Lockyer and  Frankland, Janssen’s results proved that due to its ‘bright yellow stripe’, the element could not have originated from the earth after which  Frankland proposed to call it â€Å"helium† coming from the Greek word â€Å"Helios† meaning Sun. Similar findings were revealed through a range of spectra of other stars that comp rised the yellow stripes whereas Palmieri observed them in gases erupting from Mt. Vesuvius back in 1882. It was not until 1895 that the studies of helium became more meaning when Sir  William Ramsay  treated a Norwegian ore (cleveite) with acids which yielded evolution of helium gas. Hence, the appearance of the yellowish streak in the experiment marked the certainty that on our planet, helium does exist. After nearly two decades, around the same time radium came to be known, scientists had undergone another batch of efforts that would lay foundations for an understanding of helium as a radioactive substance (Helium, History). Geographical findings indicate that the United States, specifically Texas, makes the world’s largest manufacturer of helium despite the valuable presence of helium extraction facilities in Algeria, Russia, and China. Being distilled from  the natural gas  that contains appreciable quantity of uranium and thorium to undergo radioactive decomposi tion, the helium formed is normally derived from rare circumstances of alpha-particle capture occurring underground at considerable depths (Deakin, 2010). Helium is opulently recovered from a region in Amarillo, Texas or the Texas panhandle within a perimeter of 400-km radius and this accounts for a major resource amount that sustains different parts of the world with their helium requirement (Edwards, 2004). Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma are also states of origin responsible for contributing small percentages of helium throughout all nations (ScienceDaily). What are the major uses of helium and why are existing reserves irreversibly declining? Several applications of Helium has have been made possible due to the element’s distinct chemical and physical properties such as low boiling point, low

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Use of DNA in Crime Investigations Research Paper

The Use of DNA in Crime Investigations - Research Paper Example It also depends to a great extent on the far-sightedness of a person in looking at the long-term effects of the changes incorporated into the lives of people due to technological changes. There may be many negatives that can be found in the introduction of these changes. However, that does not justify a rejection of those changes without an analysis of the positive effects that they may have. The use of DNA in the analysis of crime and the investigations of this issue is one such area. In the United States of America, only twenty five states follow a system whereby the use of DNA is done in an efficient manner. This involves the collection of DNA samples right at the time of the arrest of a criminal. In the other states, collection of these samples is conducted following the conviction of a criminal, and this causes a lot of delay. These delays may result in a change in the very outcome of the cases where the said changes are made. This paper will discuss these delays and the changes that can be made in the legislative structures that govern crime investigation in the United States of America. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) has the makeup of a person encoded within it. It is a unique code that helps identify a person. It can be used to distinguish between persons. Samples of DNA can be collected from a person’s saliva, hair and other parts of that person’s body. Such information can be later used to verify the identity of the criminal and can be used for matching with the samples that are collected from him or her (â€Å"Use of DNA in Criminal Investigations†, n.d.). While these can be collected from the suspects later on during the time of the conviction, the samples that are to be collected from the crime scene need to be collected at the time of the arrest itself. If this is not done, there may be difficulties in locating the position of the body fluids in question and it may also be difficult to isolate them so that the matching of the DNA may be conducted. In the context of the legislations that currently exist, stress is laid on the use of DNA samples for the solving of crimes; however, as mentioned earlier in this paper, only twenty five states in America have a provision for the collection of DNA samples at the time of the arrest of a suspect. Various arguments have been advanced in favour of collecting the DNA samples at the time of the arrest. One of these is the quick analysis possible as a result of the quick collection of the data. This prevents many problems that would otherwise be present in the process of the investigation of the crime. To understand this fully, one needs to also understand the benefits of DNA analysis in the process. This would help one locate the areas where the problems are present. One of the major advantages of the use of DNA samples in crime investigations is the creation of databases that can be then used to track the activities of people who are known to be offenders. While allowi ng every person who has committed an offence a chance to improve their own characters and lots in life, this system ensures the safety of the society where such convicts are present. Having such a database would mean that people who have committed an offence may be caught in an easier fashion. This would also mean that people who are innocent may have a better chance to stay free and engage in activities that are useful for the society in which they live and are a part of. Statistics

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Aristotle and Kant on Ethical Theory and Practice Essay

Aristotle and Kant on Ethical Theory and Practice - Essay Example On the other hand, relativists believe that ethics is a human invention and that â€Å"all ethical standards are relative† hence there are â€Å"no permanent, universal, objective values or standards† (Mizzoni 11, 191). LeBar asserts that individual people create own moral standards and that these standards change from society to society throughout time and the world (185). This is what is often referred as cultural relativism. Kant is strong objectivists as he emphasises that ethical duties are absolute and categorical while Aristotle insists that human beings are rational and moral virtue is developed through habit. He is thus a relativist. I would argue in favour of Aristotle that ethical standards vary with contexts, individuals and societies. Consider such practices as polygamy, homosexuality, and female genital mutilation. Are these practices right or wrong? If we look at polygamy it is a norm in some communities especially African communities but not acceptable in western communities. Some individuals view homosexuality as right while others consider it wrong depending on their religious inclinations and personal values. For genital mutilation, it was often practiced by early communities but in modern communities it is considered wrong even though some communities still practice it. How are these actions to be judged? By which ethical standards? If we argue that ethical standards are universal and applicable to all regardless of their opinion or beliefs then it would mean all these practices are wrong but this is not the case; they are right in some societies and wrong in others. This supports Aristotle’s view that moral virtue is developed by habits (Moral Philosophy n.p). In this case, good habits form the bui lding blocks of good moral character and that man has power to control his own actions since he is rational. They then reflect on these actions and perfect them if they are good but in the process, they must have a good role model

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business Media Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Media - Case Study Example If the story leaks out of the newsroom to the public, a conflict is likely to develop between CBC and Canadian Air. The management may decide to lay off the journalist for having disregarded the company’s code of ethics. The case shows a conflict of interest between what the reporter believes and what the company upholds as the morals of its employees. The dilemma of what should be the solution requires that concerned parties consider five approaches. The first should be consideration of what good and harm may come out of the decision. The second is what moral standards and rights the two parties hold. The third is what decision gives everyone concerned equal treatment. The fourth is a consideration of what decision provides the common right, and lastly which action creates morality. This work describes the decision-making process, which is the most suitable for the case of the two institutions. CBC media has a clause in its code of ethics, which addresses conflict of interest (CBC 1). The provision requires that the workers at the company preserve the integrity of the organization. The case presented in this work is an expression of situations when conflict of interest is a reality. The journalist has to consider that Air Canada is one of the most loyal customers to the company. For such a case, there is a need that the media house does not expose the problems of the airline. As much as the case may be a reality, the code of ethics supported by the ethical models of decision-making, demand that the story must not appear in the airwaves. Considerably, there are many models of ethical decision-making each with a different approach, but fashioned to attain a solution. The Utilitarianism model is the center stage as the most appropriate for this case (Lea, Williams, and Donahue 234). Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart advanced the theory, which distinguishes

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leading the Way - A Marketing Plan for Sustainable Competitive Essay

Leading the Way - A Marketing Plan for Sustainable Competitive Advantage - Essay Example Apple may have to invest a great deal of financial and human capital effort into performing market research to gain new market interest, something the firm is not experienced with as, historically, Apple has chosen to focus on developing existing markets through product development strategies. Marketing Strategy and Analysis for Apple, Inc. 1.0 Introduction Apple, Inc. has long been considered a pioneering company; an innovative organisation that develops unique products with features and benefits unavailable by competition that gives the business a positive market position. Marketing has been one of the fundamental success factors for Apple, especially in relation to launch of the iPod, iPhone and iPad, methods of differentiating the business from other competition. Marketing is defined as being all-inclusive of all activities related to commercial exchanges that involve advertising, branding, distribution, establishment of pricing structures, and responding to consumer behaviour pa tterns (McCall 2003). Apple successfully utilises marketing in order to build relationships with consumers that lead to brand loyalty, attachments that have consumers favouring Apple branded products over other competitive products offered by such competitors as Samsung and Blackberry. Apple focuses on building a brand, a holistic representation of the business that is reflective of quality and internal corporate values. Branding is a strategy that creates the ability to build connectivity between internal market-centric assets and important target markets that allow a business to nurture its resources effectively (Abimbola 2001). Apple maintains a brand strategy that reflects emotional appeals, building a brand personality that emphasises such consumer-centric concepts as â€Å"inspiring passion and hope, power-to-the-people through facilitating technology, imagination and liberty regained† (Robinson 2012, p.2). This is how loyal markets view Apple as a leader in the technol ogy industry. 2.0 Responses to competitor activities Apple uses marketing as a tool to create perceptions in desired target markets that Apple products and services as superior to competitor brands. Apple is adept in creating pioneering products that have relatively long product life cycles as competitors are not able to quickly replicate the features and benefits of Apple branded products. Apple, in the early 2000s, was able to gain favourable market attention and brand preference with diverse markets by being the first-to-market. According to marketing theory, the publicity associated with pre-launch activities set up the foundation for brand loyalty. When a first-mover achieves positive gains with an innovative product, they actually define the product category and are seen as a model by which consumers evaluate late movers (Agarwal and Gort 2001; Liberman and Montgomery 1988). Apple is not generally taken to creating marketing strategies as a response to competitive efforts, but to build proactive methodologies of promotion that enhance its public brand reputation through media coverage. The former CEO, Steve Jobs, used to serve as a relevant and trusted celebrity endorser that engaged many diverse consumer

Monday, September 23, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Psychology - Essay Example Behaviorism Strength- the learner targets a clear goal and is very familiar with the goals’ requirements. Weakness- the learners may occasionally not find the right stimulus for the right response. Answers for question # 2 Sapir-Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis proposes that â€Å"the particular language we speak influences the way we think about reality† (Dennis & John, 2008). This hypothesis, however, has met a lot of critics from other psychologists. For example, Carol suggested that this hypothesis still needs much attention as there are controversies that still surround it. She stated, â€Å"Perhaps it is the suggestion that all one’s life one has been tricked, all unaware, by the structure of the language into a certain way of perceiving reality† (Dennis & John, 2008). The essence of her statement is that, when people grow up and begin realizing reality from their own experiences, they may start disputing what their languages initially taught them. Answers for question # 3 Crystallized intelligence this is the capacity to utilize knowledge, experience and skills. It should not be likened to knowledge or memory as it does not depend on finding information from long-term memory. Fluid intelligence also called fluid reasoning is the ability to solve problems and think logically in every situation irrespective of the acquired knowledge. It includes both the deductive and inductive reasoning. It involves application of the best logics in solving problems. Answers for question # 4 Both the aptitude and achievement tests determine a learner’s general performance over a wide range of mental capabilities. However, the amplitude test further measure specialized abilities including numerical and verbal skills to guess the student’s earlier academic performance in educational programs. Achievement tests are closely associated with the current achievements on specific school subjects. Answers for question # 5 Th e validity of a standardized test is its usefulness and accuracy. Reliability of a standardized test on the other side is the capacity of the standardized test to give consistence results. Both the parameters are used by psychologists to effectively measure what they are testing. It is important to note that validity depends on reliability i.e. validity is not applicable without reliability. Answers for question # 6 Mental retardation refers to an individual’s current level of functioning. The primary levels of mental retardation that psychologists use to classify people include limitation in adaptive behavior and limitation in intelligence. Accurate diagnosis involves three components; origins of disability before 18 years of age, determinations of adaptive behavior shortfalls, and IQ score of about � or below. Answers for question # 7 Intellectually gifted people are more efficient at leaning new ideas and performing activities more than normally intelligent individuals. The success of an individual in life based on the IQ score is relative in, that intellectually gifted people have to exercise their gifts effectively to achieve success in life. But generally, intellectually gifted people have been observed to come up with new ideas, discoveries and developments that have made them more successful in life than the normally intellectual individuals. Answers for que

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Americas Global War on Terrorism Essay Example for Free

Americas Global War on Terrorism Essay At 8:46 am, on September 11, 2001, the world would take witness to an event that would change it forever. Five hijackers, with the support of a terrorist group named Al Qaeda, crashed a passenger jet into World Trade Center Tower 1, and seventeen minutes later a second passenger jet was crashed into World Trade Center Tower 2. Now, everyone can remember exactly where they were when they received the news of the attack, but, what most American’s didn’t realize is that these events would lead to the majority of the world into war. This was the first time that the United States would participate in a war against and idea, terrorism, and not a declaration of war against a country itself. In every war that the United States had been involved in, they had been faced against an enemy in the form of a country. Whether it was Spain, Mexico, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, or even against itself, the United States always had a target. These â€Å"targets† usually had a uniform; they were also in support of a dictator, king, or even a tyrant. But with the War on Terror, the United States and its allied NATO Nations were not taking actions against a country; they were taking actions against an ideology that had affected the entire planet. The route of this ideology can be traced back to one man, Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden, with the help of the United States, forced an invading Soviet Russia out of the country of Afghanistan in the 1980’s. Then, with the support of a radical Islamic state, and the formation of a radical group calling themself al-Qaeda, he declared war on the United States in 1996 (Lansford, Watson Covarrubias, 2009). Bin Laden was quoted saying, â€Å"If the instigation for jihad against the Jews and the Americans†¦is considered a crime, then let history be a witness that I am a criminal (Lansford, Watson Covarrubias, 2009).† With this foundation of hatred towards Western influence in the modern world, Osama bin Laden and his radical group al-Qaeda instigated a War against the world. The group al-Qaeda has taken responsibility of many terrorist attacks against the United States and its allied countries. From the World Trade Center attacks of 2001, to the Spain subway bombings of 2004, al-Qaeda has been at the center of these terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, unlike most wars declared against a country, al-Qaeda has roots in many countries. They’ve been linked to attacks in: Africa, Europe, North America; are believed to have ties to other terrorist cells like the Taliban, and the Revolutionary Armed Forced of Colombia; and are known to have cells based in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan (Lansford, Watson Covarrubias, 2009). Former President George Bush described al-Qaeda as â€Å"a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics; a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam (Holloway, 2008).† This declared War on Terror was against terrorist groups, like al-Qaeda, but many did believe that the Former President had a hidden agenda. With the attacks of September 11th, a new foreign policy known as, â€Å"Bush Doctrine,† was implemented by the Bush administration. The â€Å"Bush Doctrine,† which the Bush administration rarely ever called its new foreign policy was based around four ideas: to make no distinction between terrorist and the countries harboring them, take the fight to enemies overseas before they can attack the United States, confront threats before they become threats, and promote democracy instead of terrorist ideology (Holloway, 2008). At the beginning of the war, the American people being full of patriotism and wanting revenge for the 9/11 attacks were in 100% agreement with this policy, but as time passed and the years that this â€Å"war† has gone on, more and more are in less support and just want the United States military to be brought home. Towards the end of President Bush’s second term, he began to be under constant attack due to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was accused of invading Iraq under false pretenses of: weapons of mass destruction, and a direct influence of 9/11 by Saddam Hussein’s regime (Holloway, 2008), a plateau that our current President, Barack Obama, used to his advantage during his initial campaign. Yet, even though Former President Bush was attacked and scrutinized about his policies, he stood by his initial belief that his â€Å"Global War on Terror† was against an ideology, and not a certain country. Whether or not the current 10-year war was actually waged against Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi, or any other tyrant is truly unknown, and if the September 9/11 attacks were hoaxed and just a coercion for the American people to be tricked into war, who knows. What can be known is this; the War on Terror is the first time that the United States has declared war on an idea, a way of life, and not against a country of its own, and because of this, the true length of this war has the ability to last forever. Holloway, D. (2008). 9/11 and the war on terror [electronic resource] / david holloway . Edinburg University Press. Lansford, T., Watson, R., Covarrubias, J. (2009).Americas war on terror [electronic resource] / by tom lansford, robert p. watson and jack covarrubias. (2nd ed.). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Existentialism is Humanism Essay Example for Free

Existentialism is Humanism Essay The assumption by Sartre that existence precedes essence takes back the traditional thinking of philosophers about essence and existence. In general they thought that essence precedes existence in certain ways. Sartre posits that they are right to some extent. When he observes that â€Å"Existence precedes essence† he does not mean that this is always the case, but rather that sometimes it is so. This can be explained using his example in the essay about the â€Å"paper knife†. In this case of the paper knife, Sartre argues that essence precedes existence, â€Å"that is to say the sum of the procedures and the qualities which made its production and its definition possible – precedes its existence† (Sartre 1946). Essence is the expression created when something is given a definition. Essence sets the limits of an object and provides the basic properties of a thing; that is what it has or what it doesn’t have in order to serve its purpose of existence. In this case, essence precedes existence in the logic that before a designer manufactured the knife there was some plan for it that existed in his or her mind. This plan is the essence (Sartre 1943). Therefore when Sartre says that essence precedes existence in this case he is simply recognizing the fact that the knife was premeditated first and later on it was produced. This means the plan to produce the knife was there first and later it was produced following that plan. From this example it is easy to track down the general principle that Sartre is trying to bring out. First for all manufactured objects or articles, essence precedes existence. Since God lives and as he is thought to be the creator of the whole world then it follows that the whole world and everything in it can be assumed to be an artifact. God was the master planner and He created everything according to His plan. God, when He creates man he uses the same procedure just as the manufacture of the paper knife since when he creates he knows what he is creating. The idea of God was suppressed in the 18th century but the idea of essence preceding existence was universally accepted in the philosophies of Diderot, Voltaire and Kant. Sartre observes that â€Å"In Kant, this universality goes so far that the wild man of the woods, man in the state of nature and the bourgeois are all contained in the same definition and have the same fundamental qualities. Here again, the essence of man precedes that historic existence which we confront in experience† (Sartre 1946). From this analysis we get to the next step. If God lives this means essence comes first for everything that is in world. There is a traditional explanation of this divine plan generally referred to as Providence in theological circles. It refers to the plan that God worked in advance before he created the universe and humanity. But this plan is not just for the whole because He has also premeditated all the details since he is an all knowing God. This means we do not have the human nature in general to set boundaries on what we can do or what we cannot do. In addition there is also a divine plan for individuals. For example Socrates has his own essence that confines him within the universal plan of human nature (Zunjic 2010). Being an atheist, Sartre observes that if God does not exists then there is one being whose existence comes before its essence and that is man or human reality as Heidegger puts it. When he says existence precedes essence Sartre provide the meaning by saying that â€Å" this means that man first exists, he encounters himself, goes into the world and later on discovers or defines himself. When the man is not definable as the existentialist sees him it is because to start with, man is nothing† (Sartre 1946). Man will not be anything until some times later and then he will be what he makes himself to be at the end. In other words man is responsible for his actions if existence preceded essence. â€Å"Therefore existentialism puts place every responsibility for his existence on his shoulders. This means man is not only responsible for himself but also for all men† (Sartre 1946). Sartre observation that people must create themselves and give themselves meaning meant that people have to protect themselves instead of calling on God to intervene on their behalf. He saw people as the ones responsible for their politics and individual lives. He refused the notion that the devil was responsible for individual acts or the explanation that one was following God. He also did no accept the excuse of being only human or unloved by ones parents. It was not an excuse to follow the crowd for Sartre. He believed that people create their own moral values through the choices that they make in life. The people are the ones responsible for drawing their plans as to what they will or will not do (Sartre 1943). The philosophers of the traditional forms of humanism thought they could keep this idea of a kind of prior nature without having God in mind. They had in mind an atheist view of nature as well as the notion of an ordered universe where things happened in a predetermined and ordered manner. According to Sartre they were all wrong. This is because if essence precedes existence in general, that is ,if the laws that sets the limits of what things are and what they are able to have been established and determined before the things came into existence, then where would they exist? (Zunjic 2010). These philosophers have connected the concept of existence and essence in such a manner that existence signifies the instantiation of essence. If essence describes what a thing is and existence â€Å"that it is† then it follows that what is reasonable about any particular object and what can be thought about it will fit in its essence. It’s from this kind of thinking that traditional philosophy drew its description for ones way of life. To them having essence meant that people could be placed within the universe that provided the ability for the human development. But Descartes disagreed with this type of thinking preferring a radical first person reflection of his own version of existence the â€Å"I am†. Nevertheless he later on modified the old model by incorporating his existence as that of a substance determined by an essential property â€Å"thinking†. Thus the idea of reality according to Sartre is similar to that of Descartes’, â€Å"I am, I exists, therefore I am; I am because I think, why do I think? I don’t want to think any more; I am because I think that I don’t want to be. † (Existentialism Is Humanism. 2010). In summary when Sartre says that existence precede essence he means that man first exists, he encounters himself, goes into the world and later on discovers or defines himself. When the man is not definable as the existentialist sees him it is because to start with, man is nothing. He will not be anything until some times later and then he will be what he makes himself to be at the end. Traditional views give priority to essence and high values for its features whereas Sartre gives priority to existence with its positive reevaluation of its contingency and temporality. With this reversed view Sartre believed we can give full tribute to man and his self creative capabilities. References Existentialism Is Humanism. (2010). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/198165/Existentialism-Is-a-Humanism Sartre J. P. (1946), The Humanism of Existentialism. London: World Publishing Company Sartre (1943) Being and Nothingness. London: World Publishing Company Zunjic Bob (2010). The Humanism of Existentialism. Retrieved May 17, 201017th, ,from http://www. uri. edu/personal/szunjic/philos/human. htm

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Wind Farms on Wild Life Avian Mortality

Impact of Wind Farms on Wild Life Avian Mortality Humanity depending on oil, coal and gas to produce energy is destroying many ecosystems around the world. They are reaching crisis levels, finding alternative energy source is critical. Wind power, can be viable energy source that costs very less than other power producers. Wind power releases no pollutants or harmful substances like the other generators. But there are some issues even with wind-energy such as bird mortality. Birds are getting killed through collisions with turbines and other supporting structures of wind-energy. Construction associated with wind turbines clear vegetation around the area, disturbing natural nesting area of birds and other wildlife. Many surveys have been conducted at various locations around the globe from 1990 regarding bird. In the recent surveys, it is revealed that huge number of bat fatalities at wind energy facilities at different sites of wind farms all across the globe. The surveys are done based on the carcass found near the wind turbine, but it is speculated that this method doesnt show the actual number of animal killed. According to the Globe and Mail article Wind farm turbines deadly for birds, bats a study conducted between July and December of 2009 at Wolfe Island with 86 huge turbines showed, 602 birds and 1,270 bats were killed by the turbines over that stretch. These numbers are in consistent with other wind farms in North America. Similar condition is estimated by The Spanish Ornithological Society in Madrid that Spains 18,000 wind turbines may be killing 6 million to 18 million birds and bats annually according to article The trouble with turbines: An ill wind byMeera Subramanian. At another big farm, The Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California housing 5,400 wind turbine they conducted a study where they searched for bird carcasses within 50 m of 4,074 wind turbines for periods ranging from 6 months to 4.5 years. Using mortality estimates adjusted for searcher detection and scavenger removal rates, They estimated the annual wind turbine-caused bird fatalities to number 67 golden eagles, 188red-tailed hawks, 348 American kestrels , 440 burrowing owls , 1,127 raptors, and 2,710 birds according acrticle Bird Mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California by Smallwood, K Shawn. Many believe that the survey numbers are underestimated. To solve these issues many steps have been taken such as estimating various aspects of the survey. Aspects include estimated area to find carcass, probability of finding carcass, persistence rate and the number of carcasses found divided by estimated detection probability to obtain precise bird fatalities according to article Ecological impacts of wind farms on birds:Questions,hypotheses,and research needs by Shifeng Wang, SicongWang , Pete Smith (600). The article also states that new technologies have also been implemented to further the research such as remote sensing technologies into the monitoring experiments. Radar which uses microwaves to detect objects in the sky and build images based on it which is being used to determine and evaluate birds flight pattern. Other technologies include thermal infrared imaging cameras used to observe bird movement around wind turbines. These technologies certainly help in understanding and making wind farms truly eco-friendly Wind farms can also impact the habitats around them. The scale of direct habitat loss depends on the scale of wind farms and infrastructure. It is estimated around 2-5% of the total development area. According to article Information needs to support environmental impact assessment of the effects of European marine offshore wind farms on birds, by A.D.Fox Few measures have been developed and identified to decrease avian mortality by studying their biology,flight patterns and environmental surroundings. Mitigation measures can be divideded into two categories 1) Best practice measures 2) Additional measures. Best practice measures are those which should be a standard in all wind farms and additional measures are based on the aspects of wind farms such as their location, size and infrastructure. Halting wind turbine if any bird group is passing through. This can reduce bird mortality rate by 50%. The Mitigation methods should be species specific. Collision reduction can be reduced through audible deterrence. Using negative reinforcement technique by playing sounds of predator birds near the turbines will decrease the chances of bird entering the radius of wind turbine. Avoiding breeding areas or critical habitats in and near the wind farm construction. Identifying the conservation areas and avoiding them. With this measure any key ecological area can be preserved such as bird habitat, endangered bird species, bird migration areas etc. Implementation of proper safety practices to protect key and sensitive areas. Providing proper training and information to the site workers and employing a ecologist during wind farm establishment Establishing proper monitoring sensors in and around the wind farms to avoid future potential bird fatalities. Establishing turbines in close vicinity. Engineering a solution to fit even big turbines. Grouping turbines together with proper estimated gaps based on the flight patterns of birds and providing minimum corridor for bird flight. Painting the turbine blades to make them more visible during all weather conditions can reduce the collision rate of birds. Installing most of the cables underground would minimize exterior infrastructure but can disturb natural habitat around. Establishing wind farms in proper time avoiding sensitive periods such as migrating season of birds. Maintenance crews have to follow proper timing periods that doesnt disturb the habitat around as the crews need to use boats or helicopters for offshore installations. These are some of the measures suggested in the article Assessing the impacts of wind farms on birds by Allan L. Drewitt. There are two sides to every coin. Every man made change in the nature has both positive and negative impacts. I believed that wind farms are clean pure energy which humanity should move towards but even wind farms are having impact on wildlife habitats around. Considering the damage done by other power generators this can be minimal but thriving to make wind energy more eco-friendly is necessary. Every bird fatalities has a impact on the food chain established by the nature disturbing the food chain can have unforeseen consequences around the globe. Following the standard and necessary measures to prevent avian mortality in necessary. Works Cited Richard , Blackwell . Windfarm turbines deadly for birds, bats. Windfarm turbines deadly for birds, bats (Published Wednesday, Jun. 09 2010, 9:34 PM EDT ): n. pag. Web. Shifeng Wang. Ecological impacts of wind farms on birds :Questions,hypotheses,and research needs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2015): 600-06. Web. Meera Subramanian. Bird and Bat deaths from wind turbines. The trouble with turbines: An ill wind (20 June 2012): n. pag. Web. Smallwood, K Shawn. Bird Mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California. Journal of Wildlife Management (January 2008): 215-23. Web. ALLAN L. DREWITT. Assessing the impacts of wind farms on birds. International Journal of Avian Science (27 March 2006): n. pag. Web.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Beowulf - Profile Of An Epic Hero Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays

There are stories told all over the world handed down from generation to generation. Some remember these stories by memory, but are lost in time, and some write them down to be remembered forever as a part of history. Beowulf is one such story that has been mysteriously remembered for many centuries. I’ve very much enjoyed reading Beowulf. However, since this story has been around for so long many people have added, reduced, or omitted bits and pieces of the story. In other words, it has become an almost epic legend, never knowing if it was real or if it is rumor. And like any rumor being told to others, the story gets better and better over time like a fine wine. Since this poem has been around for many centuries, it is clear in much of the readings that Christianity is highly incorporated, even though the poem is composed of a Scandinavian hero that is pagan and the poem gives us an overview of what Anglo-Saxon culture would have been like. Most scholars are sure that this p oem was composed in England and that it was written sometime between the 8th and 11th century. We read in many books that during the 6th and 7th century, England was converting to Christianity. In view of the fact that most of the sayings in Beowulf are Germanic paganistic sayings I believe that since the narrator was Christian, he incorporated many of the sayings to be in beatitude form and that it seems clear that he only referred to one god instead of many which is the ideal way of Paganism. When w...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tissue Engineering Muscle by Micropatterning for Therapeutic Transplant

Tissue Engineering Muscle by Micropatterning for Therapeutic Transplantation There is growing interest to treat patients with inherited or acquired muscular disorders by transplantation of cells to the site of dysfunction to restore normal function. One candidate cell source is skeletal muscle, which can be harvested from surrounding tissues for cell culture before injecting into the site of dysfunction. However, this treatment may not be practical because harvesting skeletal muscle may lead to significant muscle loss and increased susceptibility to infection. One effective way to develop the needed tissue is through tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is the development of molecules, cells, tissues, or organs to replace or support dysfunctional body parts. Myoblasts, which are muscle precursor cells, a form on stem cells found in muscle, are a promising cell source for tissue engineering because they play an active role in regenerating muscle due to injury. Normally quiescent, myoblasts respond to muscle injury by rapidly proliferating and then differentiating, which results in the fusion of neighboring myoblasts into myofibers. Myoblasts can be easily cultured in vitro and are capable of forming muscle. Since myoblasts have the potential to differentiate into muscle fibers, they show tremendous promise for developing muscle tissue that can be used to for cell transplantation and tissue engineering. By creating an effective means of engineering muscle tissue, clinici...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Recycling Of Electronic Waste In The UK Environmental Sciences Essay

This chapter represents the decision and recommendations of this thesis related to E-waste direction in UK. First a sum-up of the E-waste direction in UK is discussed and further it is followed by recommendations in footings of betterment in the present patterns and techniques which are followed / used by the EEE makers, WEEE aggregation and recycling Centres etc in the UK and Europe, every bit good as for the farther research that could be done into this country of survey and these suggestions are intended to develop a comprehensive recycling system across the UK and Europe for optimum use of resources on the one manus and minimum pollution on the other. 5.1 Summary of the E-waste Management in UK: The E-waste direction theoretical account involved assorted sub-models like proper aggregation, efficient processing and effectual system direction which can be used in the appraisal of costs and its environmental impacts within a specific geo-economic and political context. The proper E-waste direction is capable of executing the implicit in three facets which are as follows: The most economically efficient figure of aggregation sites and their locations based on a given population distribution The most economically efficient figure of recycling sites and their locations based on modelled aggregation informations, and The environmental impact associated with E-waste transit from an energy ingestion stand point It is clear from the above treatment in chapter-4 that recycling of E-waste is a really critical capable affair from the point of waste intervention every bit good as from the recovery of valuable metals. It has besides been discussed that the economic ground is the most of import cause for recycling after environmental issue. Traditional method of E-waste disposal was related to set down filling and incineration. Incineration resulted into heavy emanation of green house and other toxic gases and landfill resulted into the loss of birthrate of agricultural land ( dirty pollution ) , H2O pollution etc. The other facet of this traditional method of waste disposal is that it has put heavy force per unit area on excavation of cherished metals as these cherished metals are needed for fabrication of new EEEs including Personal computers and laptops. So accordingly recycling is the best method for get bying up with the above jobs. It has besides been supported for the sale of economic benef its it is holding in footings of acquiring cherished metals after recycling for the farther usage in the fabrication of new Personal computers, laptops and other EEEs. Our society is turning continuously and devouring more and more Personal computers and laptops. In UK, there is about every personal is holding one Personal computer and the replacing rate is high. So the unnatural addition in the E-waste is normal in these fortunes. But at the same clip authorities and the companies are really much concerned with the ill-impacts associated with the traditional methods of waste disposal. Traditional method of E-waste disposal is really risky for the environment and for the human wellness every bit good. So the complete prohibition on land filling and incineration is the obvious pick of the authorities of UK. The authorities of UK has proposed and enacted the statute law for landfill prohibitions, EPR and ARF. ARF has been collected from the concluding consumers for funding the Personal computers and laptops ( although it besides charged on other EEEs ) . Therefore this thesis tries to try the inquiry that how the proper aggregation, disposal and recycling of E-waste can profit the environment and economic system of UK and how it can be improved. Earlier, firing / incineration methods ( e.g. method utilizing IsaSmelt furnace ) had been used as a recycling procedure for retrieving cherished metals from E-waste but due to its restrictions there was a paradigm displacement in the recycling methods. Recently attendings have been moved to another method of recycling i.e. making a twister ( whirl ) and oppressing the E-waste for material recovery ( e.g. MeWa QZ 2000 Recycling Plant used by SWEEEP ) . Similarly there occurs a paradigm displacement in the recycling methods of batteries besides, i.e. from Hydrometallurgy to Robust Pyroprocess ( e.g. method used by Umicore Recycling Plant in Belgium ) . The effectivity of these recycling procedures must be analysed in the visible radiation of benefits ( economically and environmentally ) derived from these procedures. These recycling methods offer a big measure of cherished metal recovery and separation of risky constituents ( table-16 & amp ; table-18 ) . The state of affairs would hold been black if this much measure of risky constituents incorporating E-waste was land filled or incinerated. But on the other manus the major concerns for these recycling methods are the high power / energy demands and the high emanation of green house gases. In the twelvemonth 2009, the entire costs of electricity consumed by the SWEEEP ‘s MeWa Plant were ?55,527.88 ( both twenty-four hours and dark operations ) and the entire units of electricity consumed were 880,134 KWh ( table-13 ) . Similarly the energy demand for the Robust Pyroprocess is besides high, i.e. a†°? 1000 grade centigrade ( table-17 ) . The bing E-wastes recycling systems diverge expressively non merely system architecture, but in their operating context. The population denseness and distributions, measures of E-waste generated, attitudes towards recycling, local labor costs and energy costs, are all features of contextual factors which influence the public presentation of E-waste recycling systems. Normally, the addition in the aggregation points of E-waste shows a relationship with the measures of E-waste collected and recycled. It is besides deserving adverting that it is the willingness of single to take part in E-waste recycling systems which have significantly bearings on the measure of E-waste collected.5.2 Recommendations:The recommendations have been drawn from the treatments in chapter-2, chapter-4 and from the above decisions of this thesis. These recommendations have been decently suggested for three different set of people as they have their ain specific function for the extenuation of environmental rel ated ill-effect of the E-waste.5.2.1 EEE Industries: Design & A ; Manufacture Products in an Eco-Friendly & A ; Trouble-free Manner:The cost associated with processing E-waste are important to the overall E-waste system recycling costs. When merchandises are manufactured such that at EOL they can be easy dismantled, a greater per centum of stuff can be recovered, with less energy and at a lower cyberspace cost to the system. Therefore in order to help both environmental and economic ends of the E-waste system, makers should try to plan merchandises which can be easy disassembled. Many makers justly argue that such a design end is non ever achievable without extra costs to the fabrication house. For that makers should promote E-waste systems fiscal construction. Encourage E-waste Recycling Centres to Share Performance Data: â€Å" Industry believes a national solution is required because conflicting province statute laws would take to uncertainnesss, inefficiencies and high conformity cost that will hinder their ability to be competitory and advanced. Industry is concentrating on attempts to make a national system that will accomplish the end of increasing recycling while non impeding interstate commercialism † ( Wu, 2005 ) . The WEEE forum consists of many authoritiess and recycling Centres across the EU. These authoritiess and recycling Centres portion E-waste recycling systems and best patterns. But the paradox is that these establishment portions really limited informations i.e. many of the recycling Centres still non made their informations populace. So, these informations ‘s are non easy accessible by the general populace. It could be contributing for better E-waste direction. But once more it is the paradox that o n the one manus the authorities is demoing its concerns for E-waste and jeopardies related to it and on the other manus making the monopoly over the methods used by its recycling Centres and attempts to maintain it secret every bit much as possible. The makers should promote the sharing of public presentation informations so that E-waste recycling system could be smooth.5.2.2 E-waste Collection Centres & A ; Legislators ( Government ) :The handiness of E-waste aggregation Centres is a really important feature of E-waste system architecture. So, it is really of import for the recycling Centres and authoritiess to find the figure of aggregation Centres and their handiness. They must believe over it that how far is the aggregation Centre from the residential country and how far an person is willing to go to lodge his / her E-waste. As we discussed earlier in chapter-4, in the instance of Cambridgeshire county council aggregation Centres, leting / doing some agreements for the disposal of E-waste from concerns and set uping some transit methods for the house to house aggregation of E-waste will promote and better the recycling and its efficiency. It is an acceptable statement that consumer engagement is subjective and it is influenced by the distance to aggregation Centres and besides by other factors like age, instruction, income, peer force per unit area etc. Harmonizing to a study conducted by the Cambridgeshire county council aggregation Centre ( 2010 ) , it was estimated that 20 % of the people in UK still believe that they ca n't / it is non possible to recycle E-waste but the staying 80 % believes that by taking more attempt E-wastes can be recycled. So organising or making more public consciousness programme ( e.g. advertisement, originative attacks etc ) can do more people aware of the sick effects of E-waste and the advantages of it ‘s recycling. The engagement of the staying 20 % people in the E-waste recycling programme will decidedly lend to the protection of the environment and to the nest eggs in economic system in a great mode.5.2.3 E-waste Recycling Centres:Most of the recycling centres across UK and Eu rope are utilizing latest method for recycling WEEE and batteries. Even though these methods are effectual in recycling and retrieving big measures of cherished metals, it has got some disadvantages like high power / energy demand, big emanation of green house gases etc which requires heavy attending. SWEEEP Recycling Centre:The power demand for the MeWa QZ 2000 recycling works is really high. This demand of high power can be reduced if the demand for an external heavy granulator ( for doing the size of the end product material uniform ) is avoided by including the map of the heavy granulator within the MeWa works itself or by developing some other maps related to it. The exposure of operators to the risky constituents ( manus picking booth ) for separation of non-uniform stuffs can besides be avoided to some extent as a consequence of such a development, since the unvarying size of the end product stuff avoids the demand of manual separation. Umicore Battery Recycling Centre:The energy demand for Robust Pyroprocess method of recycling used by Umicore is high. Another disadvantage of this method is the emanation of green house gases to the environment. The installing of an off-gas emanation control system for retrieving and recycling these expelled gases will be a better solution for cut downing the energy demand and for forestalling the emanation of green house gases during this procedure. In short by salvaging and cut downing the sum of energy required for recycling, the emanation of green house gases can be minimised / stopped and therefore helps forestall planetary clime alteration.5.3 Future Suggestions:This thesis has specific frame work under which E-waste direction in UK has been considered. The points of particular accent were the recovery of cherished metals, advantages and disadvantages of the methods used for retrieving ( recycling ) these cherished metals which includes high power /energy demand, emanation of green house gases etc. D ue to the limited handiness of informations and limited every bit good as restricted entree to the assorted E-waste recycling Centres, the observation and decision can said to be conclusive. Extra apprehension can be gained through utilizing more elaborate population distribution informations analysis with assorted theoretical accounts, and utilizing these theoretical accounts to excite extra combinations of system architecture and system context. This thesis will move as a platform for farther research on the subject of recycling of E-waste with particular accent on the Personal computers and laptops. The farther research could be undertaken for the intent of obtaining comprehensive apprehension on the recovery of assorted cherished metals and the methods undertaken for the intent of recovery. The broader probe and analysis of informations including the entree of assorted recycling Centres would unwrap the ingestion of electricity in order to derive cognition about full process-based cost theoretical account. After this, one can state exactly about the cost benefit analysis of E-waste direction with particular mentions to Personal computers and laptops.

Monday, September 16, 2019

American Architecture

Beaux Arts, French for â€Å"fine arts,† describes a type of American architecture that was popular from 1890 to 1920. They have two roof styles: flat or low-pitched hip roof or a mansard roof. These buildings often feature decorative garlands, floral patterns, or shields on their walls. The facade often has quoins, pilasters, or columns with Ionic or Corinthian capitals, and masonry walls of light-colored and smooth stone. Arched, pedimented windows were common. The first story uses stonework joints that are exaggerated, giving it a rusticated look, although the facade is usually symmetrical.There are several reasons why Beaux Arts style was a dominant choice of public building architecture from 1890 to 1920. Beaux Arts buildings were a popular architecture choice in prosperous urban settings in cities such as Washington, D. C. , New York, Boston, St. Louis and San Francisco, as well as Newport, Rhode Island. They were big, elaborate buildings to build, and their construction one was a way to show off your wealth if you were rich. Beaux Arts buildings were the style of choice for rich American industrial barons, for example.However, when the Great Depression hit in the late 1920s, these large buildings became too costly to build and maintain, and over time several were destroyed. Some have been preserved as public museums, schools, and clubhouses. Another reasons why they were dominant in public building style in America is the French influence. Americans who served in France during World War I saw examples of these buildings and helped make the style popular when they returned home. Americans who studied at France's Ecole des Beaux-Arts, the best architectural school in the world at that time, advocated for this style of building when they returned to America.The Ecole also favored formal planning for the spatial relationships between buildings. This helped drive the American City Beautiful movement, which was popular during this time period. This idea also influenced AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE PAGE 3 the Beaux Arts-style employed by designer Richard Morris Hunt for Chicago's 1893 World Columbian Exposition. After this, other large cities, including Cleveland, Philadelphia and Washington D. C., used these formal design ideas in planning suburbs with massive parks and boulevards that were lined with landmark Beaux Arts-style houses. A further reason why Beaux Arts was a popular architectural choice is their roof's appearance. The mansard roof became popular in attached urban town houses because it reduces the apparent height of the upper-floor living space as compared to other nearby buildings. It also gave the homeowner a full upper story of attic space to use, and so it became popular to use this style of roof in remodeling older buildings as well as for new ones.There were tax implications for this style here as well: in France, where the mansard roof originated, expanding a home ‘s â€Å"footprint† – adding addi tional rooms on the ground and increasing square footage – meant that the owner would be required to pay heavier taxes on the structure. Building â€Å"upward† – expanding square footage vertically rather than horizontally – constituted a â€Å"loophole† which helped the property owner to avoid increased taxation on his home. The Great Depression may have brought an end to the cost feasibility and popularity of these lovely structures.From about 1933 onward, homes that were constructed were smaller, plainer and more utilitarian. Fortunatly for us, but happily several of the old Beaux Arts have been preserved for our enjoyment and study in cities across the country, including San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Chicago and Rochester New in cities across the country, including San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Chicago and Rochester New York. Even in times during which real estate markets fall, classic old homes such as Beaux Arts houses and buildings conti nue to command top prices.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Second Hand Smoking

Thesis Statement into our Outline First take your existing and completed Thesis Statement and rewrite it here: Second hand smoking can be prevented by quitting or doing it somewhere where it won't harm other people. Second, take your two or three supporting elements (usually in the second sentence in a Thesis Statement) and give them each their own number (or bullet). – Second hand smoking can be prevented by quitting or doing it somewhere where it wont harm other people.Topic in your Thesis statement only (the first part of the first entente) (one): Second hand smoking (two): Harming other people (three – optional): Quitting smoking (four – optional): Lastly, you must give at least two pieces of specific information to each supporting element. Second Hand smoking : Causes lung cancer and also is the cause why many children die with a smoker parent Harming other people: Also harming people outside, for example people at a bus stop Quitting smoking: To also help t he smokers health, help them quit We will put in a place holder for a conclusion that will be completed next week.EXAMPLE: Everything in bold below should be In the assignment you turn In by the due date Using my Gun violence Thesis Statement: Thesis Statement: Gun violence In urban America can be a devastating plague. With gun education, better laws, and a community watch, we can help stamp out gun violence. Outline: Topic: Gun violence In urban America Gun Education Create classes to teach gun safety and proper usage Have a tutoring and mentoring program to help teach even more folks Better laws More gun control litigation Additional local laws that can help control guns Community WatchGive classes on how to form community watches Help form a foundation that can help organize different neighborhoods Into groups that can work together Conclusion: (We will get Into this later) Second Hand Smoking By millionaire's Everything in bold below should be in the assignment you turn in by th e due date Gun violence in urban America can be a devastating plague. With gun education, Topic: Gun violence in urban America Help form a foundation that can help organize different neighborhoods into groups that can work together Conclusion: (We will get into this later)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

World Trade Center: Bathtub

One of the famous structures ever built in the entire history of mankind is the World Trade Center. The said structure is said to have hold numerous offices and institutions that plays a vital role in running the economy of America and even to other nations. Moreover, the World Trade Center is also one of tallest buildings ever erected making it attractive to many people around the world. This might also be the reason why the said structure was attacked and was brought down by the alleged terrorists in the year 2001. The structure then was totally destroyed and what only remained was its mere foundation. A Brief History. In the year 1946, the New York state planned to build a structure that would serve as the center for trade and commerce in the said U. S state. Manhattan was chosen to be the location of the planned structure in the year 1962. Numerous professionals were tapped to facilitate the construction of the World Trade Center including Japanese architects and engineers leading the design and construction team. The construction started in the year 1966, starting with the first tower located in the northern part of the site. The north tower was completed after six years and the center accepted tenants even before the tower was totally furnished. A year after the construction of the north tower, another building finished its construction located in the southern region of the site. It was on the same year that the dedication of the World Trade Center commenced. During that time, the World Trade Center was considered as the tallest structure ever built with 110-storey with more than a thousand and three hundred feet in height. Structural Foundation The foundation of the World Trade Center twin towers was constructed with one of the deep foundations ever made. A deep basement was made to support the entire structure of these towers and all of the loads the structure handles. The said basement is also called as the bathtub. This refers to as the underground foundation area not only of the World Trade Center but also of the adjacent buildings located in New York. The bathtub is a distorted rectangle in shape with dimensions equal to almost a thousand feet by five hundred twenty feet with a depth of about seven-storey building. The bathtub is situated down to the rock layer of earth’s foundation. It is then further supported by strong, solid walls that served as the barriers to impede water from the Hudson River to enter the foundation. The said walls are also called as slurry walls. This foundation was made due to the fact that the site where the World Trade Center was erected was man-made. Moreover, the bathtub was built underground and submerged into water. The bathtub designers used pre-fabricated steel as framework of the main foundation of the building. The amount of steel used totaled about two hundred thousand tons to supply the needs for the foundation of the World Trade Center. Braces were placed to support the slurry wall aside from the supplemental support provided by the bedrock. The Foundation Design of the World Trade Center Source: www. wc7. net The Bathtub The foundation designed by the architects and engineers was seen to be massive, just as what should be considering the height of the buildings to be erected on top of the said foundation. It is a must for any gigantic structure to cling its foundation on the solid rock located beneath the earth’s ground. To attach the foundation to the bedrock, the construction workers dug enormous mass of soil and brought it up on the earth’s surface. Another challenge that was faced by the builders is that the site is near a body of water. The water coming from the river may interfere in the construction of the foundation of the World Trade Center. To resolve this problem, the workers used digging machines to create channels down to the solid rock area of earth. As they dig troughs, the workers placed a slurry wall made up of bentonite. Bentonite is an expensive type of clay that is effective in impeding water from flowing. The said material would go within the dug channels, which would effectively block the water coming form underneath the surface. Pictorial Representation of the Foundation for the World Trade Center Source: www. deepexcavation. com Slurry Wall Slurry walls, also known as diaphragm wall is a type of structure created and casted in a certain trough or channel. The trench was hinged by an expensive type of clay called as bentonite that is specified to impede soil erosions into the foundation. In other terms, slurry walls refer to a wall that is utilized to obstruct stream flow. There are equipments that are being used in applying the slurry walls in building foundations. Some of the tools used include hydromills, hydraulic clamshells and other trenching equipment. Slurry Wall History The first slurry wall that was constructed was in the year 1950 in Italy. Four years earlier, slurry walls undergone series of tests to assess its capabilities as a part of foundation of a big structure. In the year 1960, this technology was introduced in the United States of America by the European building designers. Various buildings in the US were built using the slurry walls which includes structures located in New York and California. It was only after the said structures were built that the World Trade Center was erected and used the slurry walls in its foundation. Other key states utilized the technology like Boston and Washington D. C. Slurry Wall Construction Slurry wall construction can be summarized into four steps, as shown in the figure below. The first procedure is to create a trench and applying the clays used in forming the slurry walls (A). After this procedure, a steel cylinder is inserted at the ends of the excavated areas (B). After that, a fortification cage is placed down the trench to add more support in the foundation (C). The last procedure is the concreting of pipes where the buildings would be attached. Pictorial Presentation of Slurry Wall Construction Source: www. deepexcavation. com Slurry Wall Applications There are numerous applications that can be associated with the utilization of slurry walls. One of its major applications is to serve as earth retention barriers for tunnels, subterranean vaults, and excavations. Another application of slurry walls is for blocking water penetration onto the foundation. Increasing the strength of the foundation of any structure is also one of the major applications of these slurry walls. Moreover, contamination prevention is also one basic application that is used by many architects and engineers. A gas leakage prevention form landfill is also one application that can be associated with the slurry walls. However, there are also limitations in using slurry walls in the construction of foundation. Construction of slurry walls requires heavy equipments that consume a lot of space in the construction site. Operational costs are also expensive because of the materials needed in the construction of slurry walls. Slurry Wall: After 9/11 Attack The attack made on the twin towers of the World Trade Center caused severe damage into the structure. Furthermore, after the fall of the entire structure down to the ground, many people worried about the possible damage on the slurry walls and the bathtub of the World Trade Center which can possibly affect the adjacent structures built near the vicinity of the World Trade Center. Water penetration from the Hudson River can provide damages on other structures and can also bring flooding in the nearby areas. Because of these concerns, a team of experts was sent to check the status of the said walls and inspected the entire foundation site continuously using various equipments like inclinometers and other monitoring devices. Rehabilitation of the said walls were made in order to maintain the strength of the foundation of the World Trade Center and to avoid recurring problems that might bring more harm to the people and properties in the said region.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Answering Question Number One

However, as competition intensified, the company thinkers decided to overhaul the system and to go for more profit. This re-invention of the company was successful but only for a time. The atmosphere changed and soon the company found itself wondering where to start again.   Go Ahead Enterprises evolved from a manufacturing organization into a marketing one. This made the significant over-turn of the company, which sadly, was an unforeseen suicidal path. The company reduced its number of employees and moved to the city where it could market toys. It has stopped manufacturing its own metal toys. It sold its manufacturing plant. This decision was a critical one since the company never realized its important resource- the plant itself. Having a manufacturing plant is one key for sustainability.   Plus, the company is sure that each metal toy manufactured is at its best. Quality is assured. The demands or orders for the products can be handled easily since Go Ahead Enterprises supervises its own operation. Selling the manufacturing plant was an unwise move. Losing a great deal number of people is also critical since they are the company’s best asset. Letting go of competent and trained staff or employees is a loss to the company, too. People are one great resource that brings additional investments and profit. However, cutting knowledgeable and skilled employees off from the company may also result to downfall. The company’s big bosses’ decision to source instead of manufacturing its own metal toys became a major disappointment in the long run. Go Ahead Enterprises created a niche for itself in the market. Changing the position of that niche affects the company. What Go Ahead Enterprises did was to create another niche for itself by turning into a marketing company. It used to produce metal toys under its brand name.   But since the big bosses decided to make a complete overhaul, the company lost its niche as the manufacturer of metal toys. The company leaders’ decision was enough to ruin the company unintentionally.   On organisational level, they have induced the change. What they failed to see is the long-term effect of that decision. They saw profits coming in like never before. But an initial success is not a guarantee of future sustainability and growth. The company leaders never saw that right and noble decisions may sometime lead to a bitter path.   They should have seen the consequences first before jumping to conclusion and endanger the company’s growth, position in the market and quality of products. On the other hand, environmental factors do play a big part. Globalization floods the market with cheap products. This resulted to steeping competition and fight for consumers’ favor. Globalization made the market more diversified with more choices and alternatives. The consumers are left confused, bewildered and happy. The consumers are happy because influx of goods means affordability. They get to choose the products which suit their purse. Yet, cheap goods are sometimes made of inferior quality. Satisfaction is still an issue. There are consumers who still opt to buy branded products even if it is priced higher than the usual ones. Better to spend much than to be sorry, so they say. Go Ahead Enterprises banked on globalisation and joined the bandwagon to keep itself on top of the game. It imitated other companies which are also changing their company’s course to accommodate changes. The environmental change brought by globalization has transformed, but not necessarily improved Go Ahead Enterprises. Losing the company’s niche, its manufacturing plant and its key people brought the company lower than what it used to be. Go Ahead should have maintained its manufacturing and strengthened its niche in the market. The leaders should have come up with more strategies rather than adopting a strategic plan, which in the end, brought more harm than profit. The company must focus on its vision and keep the main thing â€Å"the main thing† (Hybels 2002). In this case, Go Ahead Enterprises’ fate will be on its feet again if it will re-align its strength, assets, priorities, and focus on the main thing. It may not be money or profit but company reputation and sustainability. List of References Hybels, B. 2002, Courageous Leadership, Zondervan Publishing, Michigan. Answering Question Number One However, as competition intensified, the company thinkers decided to overhaul the system and to go for more profit. This re-invention of the company was successful but only for a time. The atmosphere changed and soon the company found itself wondering where to start again.   Go Ahead Enterprises evolved from a manufacturing organization into a marketing one. This made the significant over-turn of the company, which sadly, was an unforeseen suicidal path. The company reduced its number of employees and moved to the city where it could market toys. It has stopped manufacturing its own metal toys. It sold its manufacturing plant. This decision was a critical one since the company never realized its important resource- the plant itself. Having a manufacturing plant is one key for sustainability.   Plus, the company is sure that each metal toy manufactured is at its best. Quality is assured. The demands or orders for the products can be handled easily since Go Ahead Enterprises supervises its own operation. Selling the manufacturing plant was an unwise move. Losing a great deal number of people is also critical since they are the company’s best asset. Letting go of competent and trained staff or employees is a loss to the company, too. People are one great resource that brings additional investments and profit. However, cutting knowledgeable and skilled employees off from the company may also result to downfall. The company’s big bosses’ decision to source instead of manufacturing its own metal toys became a major disappointment in the long run. Go Ahead Enterprises created a niche for itself in the market. Changing the position of that niche affects the company. What Go Ahead Enterprises did was to create another niche for itself by turning into a marketing company. It used to produce metal toys under its brand name.   But since the big bosses decided to make a complete overhaul, the company lost its niche as the manufacturer of metal toys. The company leaders’ decision was enough to ruin the company unintentionally.   On organisational level, they have induced the change. What they failed to see is the long-term effect of that decision. They saw profits coming in like never before. But an initial success is not a guarantee of future sustainability and growth. The company leaders never saw that right and noble decisions may sometime lead to a bitter path.   They should have seen the consequences first before jumping to conclusion and endanger the company’s growth, position in the market and quality of products. On the other hand, environmental factors do play a big part. Globalization floods the market with cheap products. This resulted to steeping competition and fight for consumers’ favor. Globalization made the market more diversified with more choices and alternatives. The consumers are left confused, bewildered and happy. The consumers are happy because influx of goods means affordability. They get to choose the products which suit their purse. Yet, cheap goods are sometimes made of inferior quality. Satisfaction is still an issue. There are consumers who still opt to buy branded products even if it is priced higher than the usual ones. Better to spend much than to be sorry, so they say. Go Ahead Enterprises banked on globalisation and joined the bandwagon to keep itself on top of the game. It imitated other companies which are also changing their company’s course to accommodate changes. The environmental change brought by globalization has transformed, but not necessarily improved Go Ahead Enterprises. Losing the company’s niche, its manufacturing plant and its key people brought the company lower than what it used to be. Go Ahead should have maintained its manufacturing and strengthened its niche in the market. The leaders should have come up with more strategies rather than adopting a strategic plan, which in the end, brought more harm than profit. The company must focus on its vision and keep the main thing â€Å"the main thing† (Hybels 2002). In this case, Go Ahead Enterprises’ fate will be on its feet again if it will re-align its strength, assets, priorities, and focus on the main thing. It may not be money or profit but company reputation and sustainability. List of References Hybels, B. 2002, Courageous Leadership, Zondervan Publishing, Michigan.

Persuasive speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Persuasive speech - Essay Example ariety of ways as it infringes on these basic human rights, gives law enforcement officers far too much control in decision-making and assessment, and will dramatically impact internal organizational structure for businesses that actively hire immigrant service workers. First, it is necessary to understand the language of the new Arizona immigration law to recognize why it is unethical. The law states, â€Å"a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town†¦may not consider race, color or national origin in the enforcement of the law EXCEPT to the extent permitted by the U.S. or Arizona Constitution† (Tesdahl, 17). This law recognizes fundamental human rights based on similar non-discriminatory principles upheld by federal law. However, by adding the exception to the law, it gives law enforcement officers too much flexibility in the interpretation process of constitutional law. In so many ways, this is an activity that should be determined by experienced legal practitioners in the judicial system. This new law gives local law enforcement officers the ability to conduct traffic stops or background checks for individuals who they believe have illegal status. What is actually amusing about this situation is that race and color should not be considerations, however the majority of illegal immigrants are of non-Caucasian descent and would therefore be targeted simply by their ethnic profile. Further, the law allows officers to make instantaneous decision-making based on their level of understanding of Arizona and Federal Constitutional law. There is no guarantee that such assessments will be founded on knowledge principles pertaining to the law and could cause considerable financial and legal burdens for those improperly assessed and improperly detained for immigration issues. Local governments, such as Phoenix, Chandler and Tucson have previously conducted their law enforcement activities as sanctuaries, where law enforcement personnel has

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Spinster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Spinster - Essay Example She added to her stock a female swine which she tended till it was old enough to breed. She was so glad that the swine had sixteen breast nipples because these would indicate it can have many piglets. She had her artificially inseminated. She must not have imagined a boar over her beast! Alter ego! After few months the beast delivered seven piglets. She was so glad tending the young ones and hoping to sell them at a better price soon. What a profit! Unfortunately, one morning while she was busy tending on her pregnant cattle, a mad dog drop by and bit three of the piglets. Eventually, all the piglets including the mother swine went crazy. It was so horrible for her that at the blink of an eye her capital went crazy and eventually underground with the dead. But, she did not despair. She still has her chicken and almost skinny, but pregnant cattle. Surely, the cattle delivered another female after a long wait. It certainly meant profit! Happily she goes to fields with plenty of free grass feed for her cattle' every morning, leave them to fodder till the late afternoons, when she brings them back home and give some water with little salt. One morning when she was ready to tow the cattle for fodder, the cattle just went crazily jumping around and around that sh

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Prospective strategy for Copyfix Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Prospective strategy for Copyfix Inc - Essay Example A lack of communication will also result in management becoming distant from the shop floor, and this is where all the work is carried out. The lack of communication has manifested itself in the management area and the production area. For instance: A look at the organisation chart revealed that the departments were fragmented and isolated from the shop floor. This resulted in the decision making excluding those who knew the processes. This isolation also resulted in inter-departmental conflicts, as each department was not aware of the other's roles and responsibilities, which had led to a series of problems. There are no clear lines of communication between managers with each of them reporting to one individual, and so there really is not much scope for discussion. This organisation is lacking in strategy as decisions are not thought out and rather spontaneous. For instance, a proposal was put forward that 50% of profits go towards shareholders. This figure does seem too high, and there is no mention of any discussion about this issue or where this proposal came from. The main emphasis seems to be on making the shareholders and not on improving products they manufacture. A long term strategy that is focussed is therefore required to help with managing the cash flow problem, as profits have to be diverted to the organisation in the first instance. The lack of a strategy has also resulted in massive quality problems at this organisation, and as a manufacturing organisation, the importance of quality cannot be emphasised (Hall 1987). The organisation is due to pay penalties for environmental standards, as their equipment and production line did not meet the required standards. Whilst this is tied in with strategy, as in value and quality are not built into the process, it is also a communication problem as it has not been addressed and remained undetected. Failure to build in quality will result in financial wastage (Slack et al 1997) which the new executive board are keen to avoid. The previous board also stated that they were old and had been with the organisation for a while and this may have clouded their judgement and affected the organisation. This is a call for new management styles and leadership, and the organisation really needs to look at major changes. The chair of the executive board was rotated on a regular basis and this resulted in an approach to the strategy that was inconsistent as the chair was never stayed in post long enough to see any changes or projects carried through to completion, which impacted on feedback, as the organisation has no way of finding out how well their systems are. The short-term costs also do not build loyalty, trust and are a disincentive to team working (Bartol and Martin 1998). Sales and Marketing This organisation is not maximising its marketing and sales, which is what gets their product sold. The graphs indicate that revenue is evening out, which means it is time to innovate, by either improving the product or introducing a new product (Slack et al 1998). However, this ties in with quality and it is evident that the lack of quality assurance

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Beauity Drama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Beauity Drama - Essay Example Contrary, Bethany is intelligent and brilliant in that she is outstanding in school but she is not as beautiful as Carla (Martin 15). The beauty drama portrays discontent and jealousy of the two characters (Bethany and Carla). As evident in the story, the two characters have different personalities and fortunes. For instance, the author asserts that Carla is beautiful but a failure and with negative personality. Contrary, Bethany is not beautiful but a successful in writing appealing short stories. She hates her appearance and desires she was like Carla (Martin 1.10). The author was creative and imaginative in that he utilizes â€Å"the genie† to demonstrate the wishes and desires of Bethany to be beautiful and her unhappy with her life. â€Å"It is ironical that Bethany perceives beauty as a major significance than anything else in life because she thinks it will bring her good things than what she possess†. On the other hand, Carla says she understands the demerits and problems of beauty. Due to this, she attempts to tell Bethany not to desire to become beautiful (Martin 32). It is clear from the story that people are never satisfied with what they have in life. Further, human beings always view the negative side of their life and the positive side of others. In addition, it demonstrates that individuals value appearance more than intelligence and good personality traits. For instance, Bethany has a successful career as an accountant, she is intelligence and with great personality but she is not satisfied with her appearance and instead desires to be beautiful like her friend (Carla). Additionally, she does not recognize the positive side of her life and the good things she has acquired. These unreasonable view of her life makes her wish to be like Carla. According to Bethany, beauty will give her what she desires in life. However, Carla warns Bethany about her desires

Monday, September 9, 2019

Financial Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Plan - Case Study Example The following three partners and their responsibilities are - CEO - Miss Josefa Calfoforo; responsibility includes: Managing customer database Contacting and dealing with client Financial aspect of the business, such as: budgets, profit & loss statement etc. Finalizes fix cost Co-operate with Chief Sales Executive and Chief Designer Chief Sales Executive - Miss Elizabeth Carter; responsibility includes: Generating sales through marketing and sales campaign In charge of orders Public Relation Chief Designer - Miss Yu-Een Eav; responsibility includes: Programming website Designing of diaries Source materials from suppliers Manufacturer Updating technology Also, two employees are to be inducted for the day to day operations of the business in the first year. Performance Monitoring of Plan edesignerdiary will measure performance by looking at number of units (diary) sold in a month. edesignerdiary will measure the satisfaction of the e-commerce business operation by conducting online surveys after each purchase. edesignerdiary will measure quality of diary against competitors every 6months. Critical Success factors Offer a clear description of the goods on offer Provide a total price for the goods (including any taxes payable and freight cost) Have a refund and return policy Clearly explain how privacy issues will be handled Customers acceptance of privacy issues Have reliability, trust or privacy seals Have clear delivery dates Customers who make a purchase from another electronic site or mail house do so without physically, seeing or touching the product they are buying. Therefore customers will be more likely to purchase items from electronic retailers who adopt these critical success factors as a minimum. Time required for raising...A total of $30,000 is personal investment. According to the Rate if Return on Owners Investment Ratio each partner will individually receive 3.59% return in 2006, 2.44% return in 2007 and 8.64% in 2008. Finance options which the partners have already decided to adopt is the government grant for small business and the Export Market Development Grant. Combined the business will be able to receive finances of up to $15,000 Customers who make a purchase from another electronic site or mail house do so without physically, seeing or touching the product they are buying. Therefore customers will be more likely to purchase items from electronic retailers who adopt these critical success factors as a minimum. Establishing and operating edesignerdiary is a great personal and financial investment however, accidents and problems do arise; these can be minimized by taking out insurance. The business has decided to get insurance through Allianz as they are able to tailor the insurance policy to meet business requirements. edesignerdiary differentiates its custom diary making through strategic edge such as gathering information from the individual to compose a custom made diary that contains special features selected by the individual. Hence it is a hand made diary that is of high quality produced in Melbourne - Australia. Edesignerdiary will win by having a unique

Sunday, September 8, 2019

An Absolutory Confession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An Absolutory Confession - Essay Example Shoba being a great planner, had planned her life in her head but the death of the baby came as a shock and makes Shoba realize that nothing in this world can be vouched for. Because of their disconnection, they try to find a way to seek forgiveness and decide to reveal a secret each, every night when the light went off at eight. The definition of confession is an acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness and though in the process of confession, both Shukumar and Shoba felt relieved superficially, they end up hurting and disappointing each other unintentionally. It made them realize the fact that they did not know each other too well. Eventually, instead of strengthening the relationship, Shukumar and Shoba’s confessions cause them to walk away from each other, but in the end it is Shukumar’s confession about their dead baby that brings the two closer to each other. Shukumar’s confession begins with romantic memories. In his first confession he tells Shoba about their first date because it was the first thing that came to his mind when he was refreshing his memory. Shukumar remembered, â€Å"The first time we went out to dinner, to the Portuguese place, I forgot to tip the waiter. I went back the next morning, found out his name, left money with the manager† (222). Shukumar’s first confession is simple because he has no idea how Shoba would later use this game to manipulate and hurt him. Shukumar hoped that through the game, they would get closer to each other, Shoba would return to her normal self and their love would rekindle but he was unaware that Shoba’s hope for anything at all had died along with their baby. Next day, Shukumar admits his fault in his second confession which means that his second confession goes deeper than his first. Shukumar said â€Å"I cheated on my oriental exam in college† (226). Shukumar carried the burden of his shameful deed for